Continuing the flow of Amerta Movement Practice, there will be offerings throughout the year, to which all are welcome... this page will be updated through the year:
SCREENING OF JUDY COLE'S FILM 'BEACHED' ~ 21st Feb. 2023, Bruton, Somerset B E A C H E D The cadence of kindness is in the undertow
This 15-minute film of a live movement art-piece features four human figures on Charmouth Beach, Dorset. The inspiration came from my anxiety around the climate emergency and my feelings of individual impotence.
While confronting the stark reality of climate crisis throughout the piece, a way to adapt to the process of change is eventually found. Rocked and shaken by the incoming waves, the figure discovers the cadence of kindness is in the undertow. The performance is not choreographed but is based on the movement that emerges in each moment. The movement piece responds to the weather, tides, the sounds of wildlife and the players’ own understanding in this ever-changing environment.
19.00 | Tuesday 21 February 2023 The Clubroom At The Chapel | High Street | Bruton BA10 0AE
See the flyer Please buy your drinks upstairs before coming down to the Clubroom For further information contact Judy Cole 07954 058316